Broke my heart, broke my soul
But Can I walk from all the pieces
That have once been me
Try to put them back together
Try to mend what cannot heal
Because the one who lives right on the edge
Must be prepared to bleed
And all the cracks and all the shards
Reflect the light in rays too bright
And everyone around gets blinded
By the ashes of that sight
So I can try to get out of my skin
But can I really not be me
Can hide my heart far from my sleeve
Cover the hole and smile beneath
But who am I now to deny
Just where I want to be
When every cell in me just screams
When I can never leave
And when I feel you like the light
The light, the light that moves the night
When you are right here in my blood
And you are all the air I’ve got
So I can try to tame my voice
And petrify all that is me
But still the lion roars inside
Still hurt soars all through me
So in this noisy quietness
In the electricity of fear
Can you tell me where to turn to
Can you quiet the despair
Can you take care of that longing
That is eating all of me
Can you listen, can you notice
Can you for a moment just see me