I love you
All of you
And I can feel
You tense now
But it’s true
All of me loves all of you
Not just your
Brilliant mind
Breathtaking wit
Glittering humor
Vast kindness
Luminous generosity
Burning silence
The firm line of your jaw
Depths of your eyes
Curve of your lips
Tenderness of your gaze
Not just
All that is
So easy to love
All of me
Loves all of you
The broken you you hide so well
The bruised and bloodshot soul
The capsized heart
The lurking fears
The roller coaster moods
The loneliness in that dark far off corner of your soul
All of the damaged you you don’t want anyone to know about
All of this you and more
I love
Because I can
Because I want to
Because I’m solid
You Are
To me