
How close are we from afar?

What if the fun suddenly stops on social media networks and a strange reality takes over? What if we are confronted with personal tragedy? Maybe even death? Not of a celebrity or someone we don’t know. No, someone we meet on the internet every day. This sounds theoretical to you? Then, step into my shoes. […]

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The Consistence of my Blood

1500 kilometers without a plan. Just a general direction. Going West and South. Driving 1500 kilometers to meet someone? I didn’t think about it along the way. I had given up thinking months ago. This was my vacation. One I badly needed but also one I had no clue about. I didn’t know how long

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Good-Bye Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse ist tot. Im Leben belächelt und bedauert, mit Kopfschütteln oftmals bedacht, wird sie im Tod zur Soul Queen, zur größten Sängerin unserer Zeit stilisiert. Was aber sagt uns ihr tragischer Tod wirklich? Auf Twitter verbreitete sich die traurige Nachricht in Windeseile. Kelly Osbourne war einer der ersten Freundinnen von Amy Winehouse, die ihren

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Continental Drift

I am an island. Sort of out at sea, but that sounds like a fishing vessel without engine, the sails torn, and no captain aboard. Somewhere far out on the ocean. But this is not me. I’m not adrift – am grounded. Am not a lonely island, on which one can ignite fire for fire

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