A Heart Capsized

You’re the end of me and my beginning You’re my past, my future, my present The breath that fills my lungs The blood that floods my veins The tears that drown my heart The light that dances in my eyes You’re my all, my nothing My heart, my mind, my soul You’re all I am

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Silence speaks the Truth

Can any noise be as loud as silence? This hollow gap screaming to be filled, the static ringing in our ears, the expectation knocking at our door, the echo of fear marching in our soul? Unforgivingly sharp, silence speaks the truth. Sometimes it does it loud and clear but not always. It may come in

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Love is a Losing Game

Love is a losing game. As fragile and hurt Amy Winehouse sang this song, as much truth did she transport with it. All too often a love story is less Hollywood and more opera. No happy endings and walking into the sunset on a beautiful beach but hearts broken, sometimes even lives destroyed. It’s La

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Dare to Love Ms. Not-Perfect

I’m Ms. not-perfect, a misfit, a rebel with a cause. I grew up to the sermon “you’ll never get anywhere, you’re no good, you won’t achieve a thing”. It took me half a life to understand that these words repeatedly spoken by my father were rooted in his own sad and punishing feeling of inadequacy,

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Gefangen in Dir

Bin gefangen in dir, so verrannt, so verloren Bin gekentert im Sturm und doch nicht ertrunken Hab die Wüste durchquert, ohne dich je zu finden Und die Sterne gezählt, hinter Wolken verborgen Muscheln gesucht und nur Treibholz gefunden Dir ein Schloss gebaut, ist im Treibsand versunken Galaxien durchflogen, am Himmelstor hielt ich Wacht Hab dich

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The Void

The void. The void … left. How to let go of a void? A riddle I can’t solve. Stranded. Wrecked. On a remote island far from any ship route. If … won’t come back to save me, I’m lost forever. In …’s eyes. …’s eyes. Captured me. Took a hold of me. Let to all

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Soulmates and the Desert

There is no place like the desert. It is the one place where you can’t escape your own truths. Where your beliefs are tested, your concepts are tried, and your convictions might be overruled. You come face to face with who you really are. It’s also the place where I just had to admit that

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