
Birgit und Heike im Fahrstuhl

The Bleeding Heart

Who would have thought that it’s not the amount of time you spent together that matters in the end? The bleeding heart knows. At least mine does. Since early childhood death is a constant companion in my life. I’ve lost all the family I ever had to it. And I know no matter how tenacious […]

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It’s just a Cat

It’s just a cat. It’s not. It’s Leroy. It’s a family member. It’s  the compassionate friend with the soulful eyes who could never bear anyone suffer. It’s a never ending well of joy. It’s wet nose nudges, head rubs, purrs and shoves. It’s the cat that talked and talked and talked. It’s the cat that

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The Color of Fear

Fear. What a complex emotion. It comes in so many different colors and shades that sometimes it’s hard to grab. Sometimes it’s even harder to understand what and why we fear. It starts when we are babies. Completely helpless we cry when we wake up all alone, when we are left in a crib somewhere.

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Life is Short

Life is short. Maybe this year I have been too surrounded by sickness and death, the latter seemingly looming at every corner, grinning at me with fiery eyes. Maybe. Maybe it’s this thing called midlife crisis with me turning 50 only a heartbeat away? Maybe. Whatever it is, it makes me think. And no matter

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When Death Wins

When we lose someone dear it affects different parts of our life. It teaches us a thing or two. It shifts our perspective on life. It might even change who we are. The last two months I accompanied the slow death of my mother. I saw her slowly fade away, and had to take decisions

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Looking Death in the Eye

Death is part of life. Maybe the part we fear the most. So, what happens to us when we can’t ignore its existence anymore? When we have to deal with losing a loved one? When it’s our own mother and death bares its teeth, letting us know „you’re next in line“? How can we cope?

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Better Be Safe Than Sorry

Better be safe than sorry – that’s the best headline I can give to my latest trip. In fact, more a motto. Though this was never intended the trip brought me to some of my limits. And while I certainly don’t need that kind of experience again I’m grateful I had it as it told

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Good-Bye Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse ist tot. Im Leben belächelt und bedauert, mit Kopfschütteln oftmals bedacht, wird sie im Tod zur Soul Queen, zur größten Sängerin unserer Zeit stilisiert. Was aber sagt uns ihr tragischer Tod wirklich? Auf Twitter verbreitete sich die traurige Nachricht in Windeseile. Kelly Osbourne war einer der ersten Freundinnen von Amy Winehouse, die ihren

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