
The Writer

That strange mood that a lonely evening at the lake can put me in when the sun choose to set in yet another spectacular way and a warm quiet wind stirred gently. The evening, one of the last of a summer that was too short, one that already hints of autumn. That mood that comes […]

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The One

How to survive when that fragile soul, so frayed at the edges, and the tormented heart come undone? Fall to fragmented pieces you will never be able to put together again? When it is like jumping, head first, into an ocean of shards, slicing, cutting your skin? When you are nothing but raw flesh and

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My life has been through a typhoon I’ll never be the one I’ve known And though I know I can’t have you I recognize I can’t let go You cast amazement onto my soul Some puzzled knowing walks in my heart So filled with feeling I can’t contain Bursting with all that can’t be said

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The DNA of Friendship

What exactly is friendship? How do you realize if someone is a real friend or just an acquaintance? And what about our so-called friends in the virtual world? Friendship has to be cared for. Often, friendship is complicated and means work. Even for couples it is tough to survive crisis, but friends don’t even have

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              Crossing shadowy waters All wrapped in night So lightly on the sails of silence So misty on the wings of time   Just a mere presence Hovering in the haze Am I allowed to touch, to hold Am I the one who will get hurt   Insomnia is

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My shattered self So unconscious for words Skates on the thrill Slides on the ache On my island of hope Looks fear in the heart Holds yearning that close Blindfolds the mind Strips to the bone Trades soul for a sin And the power within Overwrites right and wrong Ices longing with a tune Makes

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              That fragile balance So disturbed by a whisper Not meant to be heard   That glimmering echo So closely held by the drum In the soul’s hidden room   That heavy truth So discoloured by blades Walking the corners of the mind   All that and the thrill

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Porcelain Seconds

The breath of the moment Melts into life Like diamonds Swimming on top of liquid gold Words left unspoken Define what is told Between sheets of comprehension And letting go Frayed to the bone The burning is slow The fall Just a ruffle of feathers And in the pale shoes of memory Fragmented truths Reflect

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Good-Bye Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse ist tot. Im Leben belächelt und bedauert, mit Kopfschütteln oftmals bedacht, wird sie im Tod zur Soul Queen, zur größten Sängerin unserer Zeit stilisiert. Was aber sagt uns ihr tragischer Tod wirklich? Auf Twitter verbreitete sich die traurige Nachricht in Windeseile. Kelly Osbourne war einer der ersten Freundinnen von Amy Winehouse, die ihren

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Continental Drift

I am an island. Sort of out at sea, but that sounds like a fishing vessel without engine, the sails torn, and no captain aboard. Somewhere far out on the ocean. But this is not me. I’m not adrift – am grounded. Am not a lonely island, on which one can ignite fire for fire

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